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Limited Advent Calendar - Magical Chakra Cleansing

Limited Advent Calendar - Magical Chakra Cleansing

Regular price €206,99 EUR
Regular price €689,99 EUR Sale price €206,99 EUR
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Vor jeder Bestellung reinige und energetisiere ich deine Edelsteine.

Entlade und lade sie intuitiv nach deinem Gefühl wieder auf.

Verschiedene Methoden:

  • Sonnenlicht: Aufladen in direktem Sonnenlicht (nicht alle Edelsteine geeignet!)
  • Mondlicht: Aufladen unter dem Mondlicht (Vollmond besonders kraftvoll)
  • Erde: Entladen und Reinigen durch Vergraben in der Erde
  • Räucherung: Reinigung mit Räucherwerk wie Salbei oder Palo Santo
  • Kristall-Cluster: Aufladen und Entladen auf Kristall-Clustern (z.B. Amethyst, Hämatit, Bergkristall, Citrin)

Edelsteine sollten regelmäßig gereinigt werden, um negative Energie loszuwerden.

Versand & Rückgabe

Details zur Lieferung

- Schnelle & sichere Lieferung
- Handgefertigt auf Bestellung nur für Dich
- Geringer ökologischer Fußabdruck
- Lieferzeit: 8-16 Arbeitstage.

Schmuck nach Größe

Bei einigen unserer exklusiv gefertigten Schmuckstücke, die auf Bestellung hergestellt werden, sind die Versandzeiten etwas länger. Aber solche einzigartigen Schmuckstücke sind das Warten wert.

Die Versandzeiten sind wie folgt:

Ringgrößen 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:

12-15 Arbeitstage

Ringgrößen 4, 11, 12, 13:

20-25 Arbeitstage

Halsketten, Ohrringe, Armbänder:

12-15 Arbeitstage


Wir bieten einen problemlosen Umtausch oder Rückgabe innerhalb von 14 Tagen. Mehr dazu


Bei Fragen erreichst du uns
Mo-Fr von 10-16 Uhr unter der Telefonnummer: 063219652899 oder per E-Mail:

Discover the ultimate feel-good experience during Advent!

Immerse yourself in a world of harmony and balance with our exclusive limited Advent calendar - Magical Chakra Cleansing. This unique Advent calendar is the perfect choice for anyone looking for peace, energy and spiritual renewal in the hectic pre-Christmas period.

The total value of the Advent calendar is over 800 € ✦

Size: Length: 50cm, Width: 7cm, Height: 33cm

Calendar content:

⚫️ everything for a complete chakra healing
⚫️ Gold and silver jewelry
⚫️ magical energetic healing stones
⚫️ Smoking accessories
⚫️ magical rituals with instructions
⚫️ Real gemstone jewelry

Why you will love our Advent calendar:

  • High-quality content: Each day reveals a carefully selected product to cleanse and strengthen one of your 7 chakras.
    From luxurious gemstone jewelry to incense to exclusive crystals and meditative guides, this calendar offers only the best.

  • ⚠️PLUS⚠️ Competition , there are letters printed on the doors that form a sentence. Whoever guesses the sentence correctly has the chance to win one of 50 x 200€ vouchers for the online shop.

  • Limited edition: This calendar is limited to a limited number of copies. Secure your copy now and experience the exclusivity and uniqueness of this special offer.

  • Holistic Wellbeing: Support your physical, mental and emotional health. Each door is designed to revitalize your chakras and promote a sense of inner peace and balance.

  • Perfect gift: Treat yourself or your loved ones to something special. This Advent calendar is the ideal gift for anyone interested in spirituality and holistic well-being.

What are the seven chakras?

The seven chakras are energy centers in the body that run along the spine from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra represents specific physical, emotional and spiritual aspects.

  1. Root chakra (Muladhara): At the base of the spine; represents security and stability.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Below the navel; represents creativity and sexuality.
  3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura): Above the navel; symbolizes self-confidence and power.
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata): In the middle of the chest; represents love and compassion.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): At the neck; represents communication and self-expression.
  6. Forehead chakra (Ajna): Between the eyebrows; represents intuition and wisdom.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): At the top of the head; symbolizes spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Problems with unbalanced chakras:

  • Root chakra: fear, insecurity, financial worries
  • Sacral chakra: creative blockages, emotional instability, sexual dysfunction
  • Solar plexus chakra: lack of self-esteem, loss of control, digestive problems
  • Heart chakra: relationship problems, feeling of loneliness, heart and lung diseases
  • Throat chakra: communication difficulties, throat problems, fear of self-expression
  • Forehead chakra: lack of intuition, lack of concentration, headaches
  • Crown chakra: Spiritual disorientation, feeling of meaninglessness, depression
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